Hopi Ears
Hopi ear candles are named after the American Indian Hopi tribe.
This tribe are respected for their knowledge and experience of healing
techniques and their spiritual peace loving lifestyle.
Hopi Ear Candle |
£25 |
Positioning a candle in one of your ears, allowing it to burn to a measured level before gently removing it. The ear is then massaged to stimulate the pressure points on the ear leading to an improvement of the general blood flow in these areas. | 30 minutes |
Benefits of Hopi-Ear candles
A pure relaxation experience
Reduces ear or sinus problems, including Sinusitis.
Reduces irritation in the nose
Soothes effects of irritability and stress related symptoms
Reduces build up of ear wax
Reduces noises and ringing in the ears –Tinnitus
Helps with pressure regulation such as headaches ,migraines, sinusitis and rhinitis.
Revitalisation for certain hearing impairments.
Stimulation of energy circulation
NOTE – Not available for people with perforated ear drums!