

40 Minutes


Reflexology is a form of complimentary medicine which involves a method of treatment using massage, to reflex areas found in the feet.

These reflex areas correspond to different parts of the body and are arranged in such a way as to form a map of the body in your feet.

The right foot corresponds to the right side of your body and the left foot to the left side of your body.

This method offers a means of treating the whole body as a natural therapy and allows not only symptom’s to be treated but can also treat the cause of certain conditions.

Benefits of Reflexology

Stimulates nerve function and increases energy

Boosts circulation

Achieve a deep state of relaxation

Eliminates toxins and assists with clearing up urinary tract infections

Assists migraine relief

Speeds recovery after injury or surgery

Can help ease the discomfort of certain cancer treatments

Soothes pain of pregnancy